Registering a Death in West Yorkshire

When someone dies, there are many decisions and arrangements to be made, starting with obtaining a death certificate. Unfortunately, these decisions have to be made at a time of great personal distress. here at Infinity Funerals, we have put together the following guide, intended to help you by explaining some of the things you need to do next, including how to register a death.

First Steps

You will need to inform a number of people and organisations and complete certain documents required by law. If you are a relative or friend, you may do some of these things yourself. These first steps include:

  • Tell the Family Doctor
  • Contact a Funeral Home, If You Intend to Use One
  • Begin Arrangements for the Funeral and Check The Will for Any Special Requests
  • Obtain a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death Signed by a Doctor
    - Alternatively, if the coroner is involved, take instructions from the coroner's office regarding registration of the death.
  • Register the Death at the Register Office
  • Empathetic Discussion

Registering a Death

A death must be registered within five days from the date it occurred. This period may be extended if the Coroner is involved and in other exceptional circumstances. The registration must take place in the district in the location where the death occurred. In the Wakefield district, you will be able to register at either of the offices below.

If it is difficult for you to get the appropriate registration office, you may visit your local Register Office and declare the necessary information. Please be mindful that registration by declaration will usually delay the issue of the document needed for the funeral arrangements. If you need further advice and help, please telephone either:

Wakefield Register Office

71 Northgate, Wakefield, Town Hall, WF12QW

Pontefract Registration Office

Town Hall, Pontefract, WF8 1PG

Both offices above are open from Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please either telephone for an appointment or make an appointment online at

Please allow approximately 30 minutes to complete the registration process, or up to 40 minutes if you wish to use the Tell Us Once Service.

The Coroner

What Happens If the Death Is Referred to the Coroner?

In some cases, a death will be referred to the coroner for investigation. Once the coroner’s investigations are completed, they will provide written notification to the registrar for the registration to proceed. Contact the coroner at:

Contact us now, in South Elmsall, West Yorkshire, for further information on how to register a death and obtain a death certificate.